A: No doubt, age discrimination does exist in the workplace.
答: 毫无疑问, 职场上确实存在年龄歧视.
互联网How should age discrimination in employment be eliminated?
互联网Some even experience age discrimination.
互联网Age discrimination is illegal, but unfortunately It'still occurs.
年龄歧视是非法的, 但是这种事情还是不幸的一再上演.
互联网The law named as age discrimination and it is as same as the racial discrimination law.
互联网The 70 - year - old professor sued the university for age discrimination, because his teaching contract had not been renewed.
这名70 岁 的老教授指控该大学年龄歧视, 因为他的教书合约(书)被续聘.
互联网But age discrimination compounds many of the difficulties older workers face in the labour market.
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